Fd Neurotechnologies Inc FD RAPID GOLGISTAIN KIT SMALL Fd Neurotechnologies IncSupplier Diversity Partner FD RAPID GOLGISTAIN KIT SMALL

Golgi-Cox impregnation1, 2 has been one of the best methods for concentrating on both the typical and strange morphology of neurons as well as glia. Utilizing the Golgi strategy, unobtrusive morphological changes in neuronal dendrites and dendritic spines have been found in the cerebrums of creatures treated with drugs as well as in the posthumous minds of patients with neurological diseases3, 4. Nonetheless, the untrustworthiness and the tedious course of Golgi staining have been significant deterrents to the far and wide utilization of this method.

FD Rapid GolgiStain Kit is planned in light of the standard of the techniques portrayed by Ramón-Moliner2, Glaser and Van der Loos5. This unit has not just drastically improved and worked on the Golgi-Cox strategy yet has additionally shown to be incredibly dependable and delicate for exhibiting morphological subtleties of neurons and glia, particularly dendritic spines. The FD Rapid GolgiStain Kit has been tried broadly and generally utilized on the cerebrums from a few types of creatures as well as on the examples of posthumous human minds.

Kit contents:

Store at room temperature

Solution A                                         250 ml
Solution B                                         250 ml
Solution C                                         250 ml x 2
Solution D                                         250 ml
Solution E                                         250 ml
Glass Specimen Retriever              2
Natural hair paintbrush                 2
Dropping bottle                                1
User Manual                                     1

Materials required but not included:

  • Double distilled or deionized water.
  • Plastic or glass tubes or vials.
  • Histological supplies and equipment, including gelatin-coated microscope slides, coverslips, staining jars, ethanol,  xylene or xylene substitutes, resinous mounting medium (e.g. Permount), and a light microscope.

Utilizing the Golgi strategy, unobtrusive morphological changes in neuronal dendrites and dendritic spines have been found in the cerebrums of creatures treated with drugs as well as in the after death minds of patients with neurological diseases3, 4. Notwithstanding, the untrustworthiness and the tedious course of Golgi staining have been significant impediments to the far reaching utilization of this strategy.

FD Rapid GolgiStain™ Kit (large)

PK401 FD Neurotechnologies kit 881.79 EUR

FD Rapid GolgiStain Kit™ (small)

PK401A FD Neurotechnologies kit 699.4 EUR

FD Rapid GolgiStain™ kit - Solution C

PK401-C FD Neurotechnologies 250 ml 169.91 EUR

FD Rapid TimmStain™ Kit

PK701 FD Neurotechnologies kit 765.7 EUR

FD Rapid MultiStain™ Kit

PK501 FD Neurotechnologies kit 593.99 EUR

FD Apop™ Kit

PK101 FD Neurotechnologies kit 713.68 EUR

FD NeuroApap™ Kit

PK201 FD Neurotechnologies kit 820.36 EUR

Control Sections for FD NeuroSilver™ Kit

PCS101 FD Neurotechnologies each 12.02 EUR

FD NeuroSilver™ Kit II (for 300 sections)

PK301 FD Neurotechnologies kit 815.11 EUR

FD NeuroSilver™ Kit II (for 150 sections)

PK301A FD Neurotechnologies kit 724.63 EUR

Control sections for FD NeuroApop™ Kit (frozen)

PCS102- FD Neurotechnologies each 87.6 EUR

Control sections for FD NeuroApop™ Kit (frozen)

PCS102-2 FD Neurotechnologies each 25.17 EUR

Control sections for FD NeuroApop™ Kit (paraffin)

PCS102-1 FD Neurotechnologies each 23.9 EUR

FD Section Storage Solution™

PC101 FD Neurotechnologies 250 ml 71.58 EUR

FD Tissue Cryoprotection Solution™

PC102 FD Neurotechnologies 250 ml 71.32 EUR

FD Tissue Storage Solution™

PC103 FD Neurotechnologies 250 ml 89.86 EUR

FD Congo Red Solution™

PS108 FD Neurotechnologies 500 ml 215.47 EUR

FD Thionin Solution™ (regular strength)

PS101-1 FD Neurotechnologies 500 ml 118.54 EUR

FD Thionin Solution™ (double strength)

PS101-2 FD Neurotechnologies 500 ml 144.23 EUR


FD Rapid GolgiStain Kit is planned in light of the standard of the strategies portrayed by Ramón-Moliner2,

Glaser and Van der Loos5. This unit has not just drastically improved and worked on the Golgi-Cox strategy yet has additionally shown to be very dependable and delicate for exhibiting morphological subtleties of neurons and glia, particularly dendritic spines. The FD Rapid GolgiStain™ Kit has been tried broadly and generally utilized on the cerebrums from a few types of creatures as well as on the examples of posthumous human minds



Corsi P. (1987) Camillo Golgi’s morphological way to deal with neuroanatomy. In Masland RL, Portera-Sanchez An and Toffano G (eds.), Neuroplasticity: another restorative apparatus in the CNS pathology, pp 1-7. Berlin: Springer.
Ramón-Moliner E. (1970) The Golgi-Cox procedure. In Nauta WJH and Ebbesson SOE (eds.), Contemporary Methods in Neuroanatomy. pp 32-55, New York: Springer.
Graveland GA, Williams RS, and DiFiglia M. (1985) Evidence for degenerative and regenerative changes in neostriatal sharp neurons in Huntington’s sickness. Science. 227:770-3. Robinson TE, and Kolb B. (1997) Persistent primary change in core accumbens and prefrontal cortex neurons delivered by past involvement in amphetamine. J. Neurosci. 17:8491-7.
Glaser ME, and Van der Loos H. (1981) Analysis of thick mind segments by front-side opposite PC microscopy: utilization of a new, high clearness Golgi-Nissl stain. J. Neurosci. Meth. 4:117-25.

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