Author: Lieven
Compare polyclonal lab reagents for research
Suppliers for Lab rec. Our used recombinants in Pubmed.
Compare Appoptosis lab reagents for research
Suppliers for Lab recombinants Our used TESTs in Pubmed.
Compare antibodies lab reagents for research
Suppliers for Lab polyclonals Our used monoclonals in Pubmed.
Compare monoclonal lab reagents for research
Suppliers for Lab recombinants Our used TESTs in Pubmed. Gentaur, Cell culture media, PCR assays, Elisa kit and antibodies
polyclonal Lab Reagents for Research
Promoted Lab antibodies Our used monoclonals in Pubmed.
Plant Preservative Mixture
What is Plant Preservative Mix (PPM)? Plant Preservative Mixture (PPM) is a broad-spectrum biocide for plant tissue culture. PPM™ is the ultimate solution for the endless fight against airborne, waterborne and endogenous microbial contamination. About The Vegetable Preservative Blend (PPM) PPM™ is a heat-stable biocide/preservative that can be used to effectively prevent or reduce microbial […]
Rabies Ag
Rabies is a viral, zoonotic, vaccine-preventable disease. Once clinical symptoms appear, rabies is virtually 100% fatal. In up to 99% of cases, domestic dogs are responsible for transmitting the rabies virus to humans. However, rabies can affect both domestic and wild animals. It is spread to people and animals through bites or scratches, usually through […]
Direct PCR (Tail)
Details Viagen’s DirectPCR® DNA Extraction System is a one-tube system for the rapid preparation of DNA from mouse tails, earpieces, yolk sacs and culture cells. Patent-pending components developed by scientists at Viagen Biotech Inc. allow the resulting DNA extracts to be compatible with genomic PCR for genotyping. Crude extracts from biological samples are not compatible […]
Cry1Ac/Cry2A combined ELISA kit
The ranchers benefited hugely from decrease in the quantity of bug spray applications,subsequently diminishing openness for rancher to such unsafe insect sprays, and added to a more feasible climate and better personal satisfaction (James, 2014). Presentation The transgenic crops have beenintroduced into the market as naturally safe nuisance control choice to satisfy the rising interest […]